Grizzly Wood Chipper foto sold in Southern Africa
Large Capacity Feed Mixers.
Circular Sawmills to ease the processing of timber.
Log Grapple foto sold in Southern Africa
Skidding Winches foto sold in Southern Africa
Log saw foto of type Grizzly sold in Southern Africa
A Tree Uprooter to clear stands bushes to increase the carrying capacity of your land
Chainsaws used to saw logs and trees
PriBO sawmilling equipment logo against logs.
Mulchers being used to chip wood.
Harvester heads sold in Southern Africa
Scanwood Solutions is the leading South African company in wood and biomass waste technology. Scanwood offers a whole range of equipment for shredding and chipping of wood waste supplied by world leading manufacturers, including the number one mobile and PTO driven Wood Chippers  in the world, as well as the latest equipment available for processing raw materials for bio-energy and composting.

At Scanwood Solutions, we know about wood. And waste.

More importantly, we know about the challenges of disposing of waste in South Africa. This is why each of the products we sell has been specifically selected based on our uncompromising criteria for performance, safety and quality. Consider our replacement of nylon in edge trimmers ("weed-eaters") with the brush buster steel chain trimming edge, through to our  range of well known Grizzly Wood Chippers as well as the monster grinder Hogzilla (grinding up whole trees and rubber tyres of all sizes), through our smaller scale wood saws and log splitters. Our briquette and pelleting systems are legendary. These products and more make Scanwood an important partner in your bio-waste process.
Also obtain hands on advice, professional service and product maintenance for a complete solution to your bio-waste needs.

Verhoog jou veld se drakrag

Indringerbos is verantwoordelik vir die verlies van kosbare drakrag in verskeie dele van ons land, insluitende die bosveld en die Noord Kaap asook baie groot dele van Namibie, Botswana ens. Indringerbos soos sekelbos, swarthaak, wattle en prosopis het aanvanklik gevestig geraak op grond wat oorbenut is en het vandaar dramaties uitgebrei tot vlakke waar die drakrag van 6-10 hektare per grootvee eenhede, na so laag as 20 tot 30 hektare per grootvee eenhede verminder het. Dit beteken dus in effek dat die plaas se reële waarde sowat 3 -5 keer laer is indien gebasseer op die produksievermoë van die grond.
© 2025 Scanwood Solutions